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Tampilkan postingan dengan label tattoo in hand. Tampilkan semua postingan

Laser Tattoo Removal - Free Yourself From That Tat

Laser Tattoo Removal - Free Yourself From That TatSo here you sit. The gorgeous artwork you surprised him with on your last anniversary has become a painfully permanent reminder of your lost love. Your relationship has ended; on an unpleasantly sour note at that. Now you are faced with the cold, hard reality that maybe you should have listened to your mother and left the ink to the biker down the street. You are not alone.
Laser Tattoo Removal - Free Yourself From That Tat
Today there are many methods available to remove your outdated artwork. Fade creams are probably the first form of tattoo removal the majority of folks venture to try. By repeatedly slathering on fade cream, the product works to continually break down the ink. Eventually the tattoo is rendered unrecognizable. Aside from affordability, this option is also well liked because it is less painful. The average person figures he or she has been through enough pain already... initially while getting the tat and then by being put in the position where its removal is deemed necessary.
Laser Tattoo Removal - Free Yourself From That Tat
There are some tattoo removal options such as dermabrasion and salabrasion, which involve what can most easily be explained as sanding of the tattooed skin as if it were a plank of wood being prepared for staining. Sanding wheels, caustic acids and salt crystals are a few of the components involved in this rather treacherous process. If that sounds scary, chances are you are a typical human being who takes issue to having your skin basically rubbed off.

Another type of tattoo removal that can be opted for is cryosurgical tattoo removal. This is great if you like the idea of having your flesh frozen off as if you ventured out into a winter blizzard and got a nasty case of frostbite. That is about what it amounts to. The process begins by freezing the tattoo and then using a light to make the skin peel off. Sounds marvelous, doesn't it?

If you thought the last option for tattoo removal sounded a bit over the top, you have no idea! The next type of tattoo removal that is available for you to use is called excision. Think of this as exorcising the demon that is your tattoo from your skin. The tattoo is cut off of your body and the surrounding skin is gathered up like a ruffle on a prom dress and sewn together. Wow... talk about seriously inconvenient measures!Laser Tattoo Removal - Free Yourself From That Tat
The final, and currently most popular, option for freeing your flesh from an unwanted tattoo is laser tattoo removal. This option involves a series of treatments where various lasers are focused in on the different tattoo pigments in order to break them down and essentially "dissolve" the tattoo from its existence. There is less down time with this option, but for a large tattoo, the price tag can end up being comparable to buying a good used car. With this option, "Ouch!" takes on a whole new connotation.

The moral of this little tale is: if you find yourself saddled with some unwelcomed ink, you have options. Save the sulking for your return home from the tattoo parlor next go around!

The Dragon Tattoo

The Dragon TattooThe most well known and most popular mythical creature depicted in tattoos is the Japanese dragon. It is more popular than any of the other mythical creatures, such as the phoenix, mermaid or gryphon. This may be due to its shape because the long and flexible dragon that descends from Japanese tattoo traditions practically fits on every part of the body - covering full backs, winding himself around arms or coiling up on the chest of the carrier.

The Dragon Tattoo

The Japanese dragon is usually depicted as a wingless, heavily scaled snake-like creature with small, clawed legs and a camel shaped head with horns. It is associated with sea, clouds or the heavens. It has whiskers and a beard, and it is deaf. In the West we think of dragons as terrifying beasts, but in Japan the dragon symbolises wealth, good fortune, good luck, kindness, power and freedom.

The Dragon Tattoo

The good luck stems from the fact that the Japanese dragon is a "water symbol", living either in the clouds, climbing down during thunderstorms, or in rivers and lakes. Water is an element of enormous importance for the cultivation of rice in both China and Japan so, because of its ability to bring down the rain, it was revered. Thus dragons are highly respected and admired in both China and Japan. In the Western Culture however, because of the association with the snake, the dragon symbolises evil and they were routinely hunted down, fought and killed.

The Dragon Tattoo

It is important to keep the dragon happy because, after all, it could easily cause a seaquake or thunderstorm if annoyed. One of the most famous and most tattooed dragon legends, apart from the display of the Buddhist gods of wind and thunder (Fu-jin and Rai-jin) who are riding the dragons, is the Tamatori Hime. According to legend, Japanese dragons are believed to take up the shape of humans and are even considered capable of mating with humans. The age-old enemy of the dragon is the phoenix and sometimes a bird-man creature called Karura.

The Dragon Tattoo

At birth to around five hundred years (or so) of the dragon's life, they are a "water snake". They are not dragons in the sense that we think them to be. From five hundred (or so) to around one thousand (or so) they become Chiao, or scaled creatures. They are said to begin as a fish, and, at a considerably old age, turn into a scaled dragon.

After the Chiao stage, from about one thousand years to one thousand five hundred years old, the dragon grows rapidly. This is when the dragon becomes a Lung dragon. This takes place over the five hundred year period. Unlike some dragons, they are hornless and symbolize the scholar. These dragons can gain horns, but only after about five hundred years.

When the dragon is between the ages of one thousand five hundred and two thousand, he or she will become a Horned Dragon. They will gain horns and thus look much wiser in the process. After the dragon is two thousand years old, they become a Ying-Lung. They are winged dragons that are also scale-less. They gain wings only after they have been around for about one thousand years, and they never have scales.

The Japanese dragon (referred to as Ryugu in Japanese mythology) has three toes whereas the Korean has four and the Chinese five. It is said in Chinese Mythology that all dragons originated from China and the ones that left lost their toes, but the Japanese Culture believes that all dragons came from Japan and when they left Japan they gained toes. The farther the dragons went, the more toes they gained (or lost). The Koreans believe that all eastern dragons originated from Korea so that when the dragons leave Korea and go towards China they gain toes and when they go towards Japan they lose toes.The Dragon Tattoo

Another difference is that Japanese dragons tend to be much more slender and fly less frequently than their Chinese counterparts which suggests they either lose or gain weight depending on where they originate from. In Japanese society (as in Chinese society) dragons are depicted in paintings on temple walls and carvings. Most of the temples with dragon carvings usually belong to the Zen Buddhism religion. The Japanese dragon had originally come into existence as a guardian creature that was in charge of guarding all the four cosmic regions. Traditionally the dragon is identified with the season of spring throughout Asia.

The Dragon King is really four dragons, and these dragons keep watch over the four main seas. They are believed to live underwater in the Ryuku islands area in Okinawa. Japanese dragons are of various types: there are the Tatsu dragons that are a representation of spirituality and imperial power and tend to live in lakes or springs. The Sui-Riu dragons are held responsible for bringing rains into the islands of Japan. The Han-Riu dragon is the tallest of the dragons measuring up to almost 40 feet in length and can reach the heavens. The Ri-Riu dragon is most popular for its unusual eye-sight which is believed to be the best. The Ka-Riu dragon which is the smallest possesses a frightening red color. The Fuku Riu is the dragon which brings luck to people. The Hai-riyo dragon is actually a dragon which possesses a bird-like shape and is the most evolved of all the dragons.


Girls star tattoos are considered to be very meaningful and symbolic because they mainly represent a person's dreams and goals in life. There is a lot to consider when planning on getting a star tattoo, like why you want it, what size it should be, how unique you want it to be and most importantly where on your body you want it. Let me tell you about the five most common types of star tattoos and their symbolic meanings.

Let's start with the Pentagram star tattoo. This tattoo has a deep meaning to it and it is a 5-pointed star. The five points represent the five elements which are fire, wood, earth, water and metal. It also symbolizes faith, health, mathematical perfection and celestial sky.

Next is the girls moon star tattoo. This tattoo represents the sky during the night and it is also a combination of the moon and the star(s). Compared to other star tattoos, moon star tattoos have little symbolic meaning to it but they are very beautiful.

Another type of star tattoo is the Star of David tattoo. It is also called a hexagon because it is 6-pointed. It symbolizes the rule of God all over the universe and also His protection from all directions.

Shooting star tattoos are also another kind of star tattoos. They are extremely popular in the tattoo world because they are versatile. They represent a wish coming true, success or good luck.

Last but not the least is the Nautical star tattoo. This tattoo dates back to almost a century and is a 5-pointed star. It was mainly tattooed on the bodies of sailors because they relied on the stars to take them home since they navigated their ships using the stars in the night. Therefore, this tattoo is a symbol of guidance and represents the direction of life.


Star tattoos , sun tattoos , moon tattoos can be symbols of truth, spirit and of hope. Star tattoos or more precisely the Nautical Star tattoos were considered to be lucky charms by the men at sea to find back their way in the sea and realize their sought after ambitions. Star tattoos are also often associated with actually having reached your goal and dreams.

Star tattoos will never look outdated, especially when you add details from your own style and imagination. Star tattoos have been found to add spice to your life and it enables creativity to flow among anyone who has one. Star tattoos have been quite popular and a number of famous personalities and movie stars have got Star tattoos on their body.It could be because it has the word star associated with it. Star tattoos are one of the most popular forms of tattoos and you can find a large selection of Star tattoos .

Star tattoos have come to be some of the most requested tattoos and there are various styles which have various meanings. Star tattoos can be very dainty making them popular among women, but can also be designed bold and rugged for male clients. Star tattoos are among the most popular tattoo design, so it never to difficult to find the right design for you. Star tattoos are available in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Star tattoos can serve as a reminder of a special memory of a starlit night or maybe it could symbolize a goal that you have reached and want that to be forever expressed on your skin.

2 Koi immortal tatto in singapore

Hello all....

Its been awhile since I have updated anything in here... Been busy with life ( Even though it sucks most of the time ) and new projects. Well, anyway, did this piece a day ago. Enjoy !

face ghost in hand tattoo

Woo! We made it through eight of our assigned sixteen lines in class today! I was almost dead-on.

Then again, that fact is depressing. My students were not happy today and I couldn't blame them. Fortunately, we took it slow and explained each and every line in detail - still, they were not pleased. Hopefully tonight's work will treat them more nicely, especially since I typed up a commentary for them. Of course now the book starts to be useful...

*sigh* Lessons for next time: Prepare more than a night in advance for a textbook you've never taught from.

Gypsy Tattoo immortally in hand

For some people, tattoos are self-expression, someone with a tattoo will appear confident, for that before deciding to make a tattoo you should consider tattoo according to your wishes.

Tattoo immortal

When I first look at the tattoo of praying hands, I naturally associate it with its religious attachment of praying to God. But an intent look at it leads my thoughts to more directions than one.

This gorgeous demonstration to adoration can be a strong reminder of a dear one who has parted ways. Parents with small praying hands imprinted on their body feel the warmth and love of their little ones.

While children feel secure and blessed by their parents with the tattoo of praying hands on their body. To me, this tattoo of praying hands is a reminder of humbleness and a prayer to Almighty to wish peace and happiness.

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,praying hands tattoo meaning

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